Here you can find information about registration fees for the conference and whatis included. Please be aware of the various deadlines for reduced prices. Conference registration opens April 20th 2021.
Registration fees
Register here!
Students, including PhD students (with valid student ID)
Early Bird (before June 1st, 2021): 240 €
Regular (between June 2nd – August 5th 2021): 300 €
Regular participants
Early-Bird (before June 1st, 2021): 430 €
Regular (between June 2nd – August 5th 2021): 500 €
Included in registration fee
Attendance in conference events, doctoral consortium, workshops, book of abstracts, fees for online platforms and other costs for organising the conference.
Payment methods
Online secure credit card payment with one of the following cards:
VISA, Mastercard or American Express through NETS credit card service company.
Cancellations of registration
Cancellations should be done by email to the
For cancellations made before 1 July 2021, 100% of the fee will be refunded. For cancellations made between 1 July and 1 August 2021, 50% of the fee will be refunded. No fee will be refunded for cancellations made after 2 August. A processing fee of 50 € will be deducted from all refunds. Reimbursement will not be given for late arrival, unused services, unattended events or early departure from the conference. Replacement of participant is accepted by 1 August 2021 for an extra charge of 50 €.
Letters of invitation
The organisers will send you a letter of invitation upon request and after the conference registration payment has been received.
If you have any questions regarding the registration or payment, please contact:

Nordes Workshops
All workshops will be held on Tuesday August 17th 2021 online and will take place either in the morning, afternoon or full day. At present the workshop descriptions are the ones send in for review in January. The workshop organizers are in a process of editing the descriptions based on their reviews and the fact that they will all be held online. As soon as we receive the final version these will be uploaded instead.
To learn more about the content of each workshop, please click on the name of the workshop and a pdf document with further information will open.
12 principles of social design (Half day – morning)
By: Jocelyn Bailey, Lucy Kimbell, Patrycja Kaszynska & Christian Nold (Max. 24 participants).
Desis Philosophy Talk #7.3 Designing Down to Earth: Introducing Re-Worlding (half day – afternoon)
By: Virginia Tassinari, Liesbeth Huybrechts, Ezio Manzini, Oswald Devisch & Annalinda de Rose (Max. 25 participants).
Designing Scales of Domestic Mending in Fashion (half day, afternoon)
By: Louise Ravnløkke & Iryna Kucher (Max. 10 participants).
Life Stories for Collaborative Survival (full day)
By: Nicholas B Torretta, Lizette Reitsma, Brendon Clark, Per Anders Hillgren & Li Jönsson (Max. 12 of participants).
Residue of Interaction: Scaling Participatory Experiences (full day)
By: Andrea Wilkinson, Lieke Lenaerts, Niels Hendriks & Rita Maldonado Branco (Max. 25 participants).
Accommodation if visiting Kolding
Nordes 2021 will be held online, but we have exhibitions in different parts of Kolding city which we hope some of you would like to visit. We have therefore kept a small number of hotel rooms for special prices at four hotels in Kolding. Please ask for your prise and remember to use the code to get the reduced prise. To make use of the reduced prices bookings are to be made no later than July 15th 2021.

Kedelsmedgangen 2, 6000 Kolding
Phone Number: (+45) 75 54 18 00
The apartments are in the old town of Kolding, called Latinerkvarteret, near to Koldinghus and the lake Slotssøen. About 10 minutes walk to campus.
Please use campaign code SDU21 in order to get reduced price. Price is without breakfast but you can order it upon your arrival.
Phone Number: (+45) 70 23 56 35
The hotel is located about 5 minutes from the train station and offers free parking during your stay. About 10 minutes walk to campus.
Promotioncode is PROSDU for reduced price.